Community Group Discussion Questions

The Gospel of Mark

Mark 9:30-37


These questions are based on Mark 9:30-37 and the sermon preached on 1/19/25 at Crossroads Church in Turlock, CA. 

Please don’t feel the need to get through all the questions. The goal is not to answer every question, but rather to have a meaningful time of discussion and encouragement. 

Read Mark 9:30-37 as a group

1.Have you ever had a moment(s) like the disciples had in the following verse? “But they did not understand this saying, and were afraid to ask Him.” Have you ever had a time where you didn’t understand something that God was asking you to do or something about Him you didn’t understand?

2.Brad mentioned a few examples from his own life of God providing. He gave reference to Andrew’s statement of, “How often do I forget the mercy or provision of God in my life?” As you look back over your life, how have seen God provide in your own life?

Re-read Mark 9:33-34

3.We see the disciples are silent when Jesus asks them a question, it’s because He’s caught them red-handed. Do you have a funny story of when you got caught red-handed as a kid? 

4.One of Crossroads’ ministry values is, “Growth Minded” which reads, “We strive to be a Church that challenges believers no matter where they are in their faith journey to continue to pursue growth into Christlikeness in all areas of their lives.” What’s one way you can grow in your relationship with Christ from this passage?