Community Group Discussion Questions

“Mighty God

Isaiah 9:1-7



These questions are based on Isaiah 9:1-7 and the sermon preached on 12/15/24 at Crossroads Church in Turlock, CA.

Please don’t feel the need to get through all the questions. The goal is not to get through all of them, but rather to have a meaningful time of discussion and encouragement.


Read Isaiah 9:1-7

1.    What stood out to you from the sermon or any of the Bible passages from Sunday?

2.    “And He will be called….Mighty God” (v.6). What are different ways Jesus proved himself to be “Mighty God” during his earthly ministry? In your opinion, what are reasons most of the people missed the fact that he was the fulfillment of Isaiah 9?

3.    In the sermon, Pastor Chris said that pride is the ultimate root of all sin. In your own words explain how that can be true. If you are comfortable and willing, share how that has been true in your own life.

4.    Read Isaiah 9:6-7. The solution to the problem and consequences of sin is that God was going to come to us and fix our mess. Now, read 2 Corinthians 5:21 which explains how God did it. What is Paul saying in this verse? Put it into your own words. Read 2 Corinthians 5:17-21 for more context. What does the context add to this discussion?

5.    Read Revelation 21:1-5; 22:1-5. What encourages you in these verses? What’s confusing to you? Is there anything that makes you sad?

6.    Take some time to pray for each other. Also, pray for those who are a part of your relational world who have not yet turned to Jesus for salvation. Pray that God would use the Christmas Eve services to lead many to Christ.