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Join Crossroads Women's Ministry at Mount Hermon for a women's retreat. It is the perfect place for women to gather to get away and take time to reflect on God's love and purposes for your life. Leave your distractions and busyness at home and come to experience refreshment of mind, body and soul in the presence of Jesus. Sign up to attend through Mount Hermon directly using the link below.  

If you are signing up and want to room with someone in particular, put in the notes section of your registration who you would like to room with and have them do the same in their registration. It is first come first serve and space is limited. So sign-up soon! If you have questions or want to coordinate rooming with another woman from Crossroads, please contact women's ministry at [email protected].

Meal Ministry

Crossroads Women of Purpose run the Meal Ministry for people who have recently gone through hardship and are in need of meals for a short period of time.  You can nominate someone or sign up to be a part of the team making and delivering meals using the buttons below: 

Home Bound Ministry

Crossroads Women of Purpose run the Home Bound Ministry by coordinating visits with and deliveries to those who are home bound and no longer able to attend regular activities at Crossroads.  Additionally, you can request assistance or you can nominate someone for assistance with home projects needed while they are home bound such as mowing the lawn, trimming bushes, moving a piece of furniture, etc.  The Home Bound Ministry is for people ages 18 and up who are not able to attend regular activities at Crossroads because of an injury, health issues, physical limitations, convalescent placement, etc.  Currently, Crossroads Women of Purpose are coordinating visits and deliveries on a quarterly basis in the following months:  February, May, August, and November.  That nomination of home projects for home bound is ongoing throughout the year on an as-needed basis.

Nominate Someone for the Home Bound Ministry Deliveries or Visitations

Want to volunteer in Women's Ministry?

Fill out the form below and a member of the team will get back to you!