Generosity Update

Crossroads Family: I wanted to share a detailed overview of our ministry income and expenses for the months of July through September.

Because of continued faithful giving by so many we have been able to expand ministries which increases our impact on our congregation, Turlock and surrounding areas.

At last month’s Family Meeting Pastor Chris shared that we are launching a Foster Care ministry. Prior to the launch a Crossroads family provided seed money from a recent inheritance to assist with unbudgeted ministry expenses. 

Here’s the Financial Over View:

Budget (July – September)                                              $ 399,999

Actual Income (July – September)                           $ 352,021

Expenses (July – September)                                       $ 322,731                             

Actual Income less Actual Expenses                     $    29,289

NOTE: While we did not make budget, our expenses did not exceed income.

Please feel free to contact me to discuss the financial condition of Crossroads at any time. I’m available by email at  [email protected], or by phone at 667.1100 x 201.

In His Service,

Chet Reid