Sunday, April 20 - 8:00AM,  9:30AM & 11:00AM

Because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
— Romans 10:9

Join us as we celebrate the most crucial moment in human history….the resurrection of Jesus Christ! Easter Sunday services at Crossroads will include worship, baptisms, scripture readings, and an Easter message from Pastor Chris.

Friday, April 18 - 5:00pm & 6:30pm

Join us the Friday before Easter Sunday to commemorate Jesus's crucifixion. This reverent and poignant service will include worship, communion, scripture reading, and a short, Good Friday message from Pastor Chris.

Sunday, April 13 - 8:45am & 10:45am

Participate in this beautiful and meaningful Easter tradition by bringing flowers and placing them on the cross in our lobby on Good Friday and Easter Sunday.

Kids Ministry for Good Friday and Easter Sunday will be available for children ages birth through Pre-K. No pre-registration is required but appreciated.

Got questions? Just email us or call (209) 667-1100.